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Equal Opportunities SUPPORT

If you are a university student with special needs, you are eligible to receive several services to support your studies.

Information about special needs

A student is considered disabled if he/she is challenged with one or more of the followings: physical, sensory (hearing or visual), speech impairments, multiple disabilities (in case of simultaneous occurrence), autism spectrum disorder or  other specific learning disabilities such as dysgraphia, dyslexia, dyscalculia, ADHD and mutism.

The university also endeavours to support students with serious illnesses. If you have a serious illness which negatively affects your academic performance, we suggest you to registrate and apply for the learning adjustments and services.

It is important to know that these learning adjustments and services are available ONLY for students with active student status in BME.

To read the requirements of certifications of disability, click here!


In order to receive the learning adjustments and services, register as soon as possible! You can request to be registered any time while you are a BME student.

How to register?

You will need to fill the equal opportunities form.

In addition:

  1. If you are a disabled person you need to send the certificate of disability issued in your home country to the National Pedagogical Assistance Service of Eötvös Loránd University.
  2. If you struggle with a serious illness, you need to send the medical report stating the type and severity of your condition to the equal opportunity coordinator in e-mail.



Student Equal Opportunities Committee

The Committee’s task is to evaluate the requests for registration and modification of learning conditions. The members of the committee meet once a month.

How to modify learning conditions?

In general, you must indicate which learning adjustments you would like to use on the registration form. If you have already registered and would like to request a new or different learning adjustments contact the equal opportunities coordinator.

In all cases, it is worth having a prior consultation with the equal opportunity coordinator about the possibilities and the individual support. After that, you need to write a request using your own words.
The adjustments are legally-mandated modifications stated by law. Depending on the special needs, you can request different types of modifications, such as:

  • modification of testing type (written/oral);
  • taking extra time during tests or exams;
  • using tools (laptop, calculator, vocabulary, etc.);
  • audio recording of the class.

The members of the Committee

dr. Kiss Rita associate professor, chairman of the Student Equal Opportunities Committee
Barnabás Rajczi student, delegate of the University Student Union
Julianna Balf coordinator of matters of equal opportunies, secretary of the Student Equal Opportunities Committee

If you are a disabled student and you have an expert opinion from the National Pedagogical Assistance Service of Eötvös Loránd University, the Committee will issue a resolution to you.  This is a mandatory document, so the professor is obliged to implement.

If you register with a serious illness or if you do not have an expert opinion from the National Pedagogical Assistance Service of Eötvös Loránd University, the Committee will give you a proposal. This is a non-mandatory document.

After you get the resolution or the proposal of the Committee you need to consult with your professors about the validation of the adjustments. If you need support, please contact the equal opportunity coordinator.

If you need flexibility in attending courses and exams due to a health problem (physical or psychological), apply for a Preferential Course Schedule.
More information is available HERE.

Equal Opportunity Services

After registration you may also use our services listed below.
None of these are mandatory. In case you would like to apply for either of them, you need to make a request in e-mail.

Our services for registered students
  • free use of subtitling software
  • request a free parking card to use it in the university area
  • request barrier-free classroom for physically disabled person
  • Personalized equal opportunity counselling