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Our online courses can help you to:
Our courses are free. You can work through at your own pace online. Only 3 things you need to have:
We are sure that all of these courses can be very helpful for all of our students. However we mark with stars which courses could be the most useful for upperclassmen, for freshmen or for graduates.
Legend: ***highly recommended **recommended *less recommended
Are you sure your study methods are a good fit for your university curriculum? Discover new strategies for new challenges!
At the university, you need to learn a much larger amount of material in a shorter period, and the workload is not evenly distributed. Continuous and effective studying can be challenging - not just during exam periods! Check out our course to learn some facts about the learning process and to acquire new strategies for achieving good grades!
For freshmen ***
For upperclassmen **
For seniors *
There are different types and styles used in preparing a CV. The requirements of HR professionals can be very complex as well. But the essential rules of a good CV are always the same: logical and clear-cut concept, clear and concise sentences.
In this course we would like to help you write your CV. We collected useful lessons and tips, and you can also get personal feedback on your completed resume from a counselor. We will give you guidelines about how to prepare your resume in terms of content and design, to have even better chance when applying for a job.
For Upperclassmen ** For Freshmen *** For Graduates ***
This workbook is an alternative method of career counselling based onthe Career Construction workbook of Savickas.
“The My Career Story (MCS) workbook aims to help you tell, hear and author your own life story.” The workbook focuses on the main questions and milestones of life-career path.
For Upperclassmen *** For Freshmen ** For Graduates ***
Stress-free life is a boring fairytail! Especially as a student.
Come over your fear and get the bogeyman on your side. We have some idea, how to...
Get to know the sunny and the dark side of the stress, and your own perspective. Try out our package of excercises to support yourself in stressful events.
We offer: easy, short, online psychology readings, full of useful figures and pictures. Learn at your own pace independently, possibility to ask & share. Apply now!
For Upperclassmen ** For Freshmen *** For Graduates ***
Are you always running out of time? Do you procrastinate facing with that problem? Take your time, apply for this course, and you will have enough time for everything else.
As a student of BME you are your own time manager: you have to organize and distribute the time between your activities. So your time table can be geared to your biorhythm, but time-robbing activities can be more harmful than ever.
If you want to avoid the trap of procrastination and be efficient as much as you would like to, come with us!
For Upperclassmen ** For Freshmen *** For Graduates ***
Have you ever considered that the quality of an exam, a job interview, or even a friendly conversation can be determined by HOW you say what you say? Learn how to represent your interests while remaining a good negotiating partner and effectively handling conflicts.
In our communication course, we emphasize assertiveness and assertive behavior. You'll receive tips on how to effectively signal to your communication partner that you want to ask for something or that you're unhappy with their actions. Say no confidently! All of this is done to increase the likelihood of mutual respect, understanding, and problem-solving. Join us!
For Upperclassmen *** For Freshmen *** For Graduates ***
There isn't a single magical method that will instantly teach everyone how to achieve their dreams. However, we can certainly help you gain insight into yourself and your goals.
Join us in the course if you want tips on achieving, rethinking, or finding your goals!
For Freshmen *** For Upperclassmen ** For Graduates ***